Have you felt frazzled about the sheer number of investment strategies and properties on the market? Have you felt out bid or outpaced by other investors who snag the properties you’re eyeing? If you answered yes to either of those questions tune into this episode where Bonnie Galam gives you a framework to defining your investing niche so you can accelerate your investments.
I am super excited to bring you this next episode because defining your I.P.A. is a total game changer! In this episode, we will discuss the method of finding your real estate niche by defining what your Ideal Property Avatar is and how you can use it to leverage your investment strategies.
I created a free workbook to go along with this episode because putting pen to paper makes goal setting SO much more concrete. You can snag it right here
In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover:
The 3 facets of the I.P.A.
Learn the very specific questions to ask yourself before investing in real estate
The refreshing perk of having an I.P.A.
Why finding your I.P.A. is important
How to leverage Your I.P.A.
Links mentioned in this episode:
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